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Teacher Reeya Magtalas

Beethoven Tots (Pre-Nursery) and Assistant Events Coordinator


Teacher Reeya is a licensed professional teacher who earned her Bachelor in
Early Childhood Education degree in De La Salle University. She was also awarded the Eduardo Cojuanco Jr Award for Teaching Innovation. In her three years at Mindbuilders Preschool, she has taught the Chopin Seniors (Kindergarten) and Beethoven Tots (Pre-Nursery) classes. She has also served as the School Registrar for one school year and is currently the Assistant Events Cordinator.

As the assistant to Teacher Gina (Special Events Coordinator), Teacher Reeya
oversees many details in every school event. Her technical know-how is also a feather in her cap as she gets to share her expertise of newly introduced apps and programs with the more seasoned teachers and admin officers. She is organized, calm under pressure and very efficient in finishing needed tasks before deadlines.

As an educator, she firmly believes in the power of active play for children to learn successfully. That is why 2-year olds from the Beethoven Tots (Pre-Nursery Level) are always seen learning concepts through music and movement, as well as exploring materials with the use of their senses. Through these, they get to know more about themselves and the world around them. They get to interact with other children, develop their creativity and grow in confidence.

In preparing her daily lesson plans, Teacher Reeya makes sure that her students’ needs, interests, and intelligences are being considered in every aspect of the classroom. Developmentally-appropriate activities and practices are also at the forefront of their learning experiences. This allows for a safe and nurturing environment that will foster the positive development of all her students in reaching their full potential.

More than the community that is physically present inside the classroom, she also believes in the importance of home-school relations. She aspires to give attention to this partnership to further strengthen and build on what is being taught in school. Open communication between the teacher and the child’s parents or guardian is key in
achieving this objective.

Teacher Reeya believes that all these are essential in an early childhood classroom because this is where the foundation for the love for learning begins, with the hope that it will lead to a love for learning that never ends.

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